EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 Akanbi Mudasiru ILUPEJU Open Journal Systems <p><strong>EDITORIAL POLICY</strong></p> <p>Eureka is a refereed Journal published annually by the Department of European Languages and Integration Studies of the University of Lagos, Nigeria.</p> <p>Manuscripts for publication, exchange Journals and books for review should be sent to the Editor <a href=""></a> or Manuscripts for articles (but not rewiews) should be submitted in two copies clearly typed on A4 paper on one side only, double spaced, font 12, Times New Roman and not more than 20 pages, with each page not containing more than 25 lines of texts. The manuscripts style is that prescribed by MLA/APA. The publiccation of contributions after favourable assessments and corrections does not imply the Editor’s responsibility for the statement of facts or opinions, or for the errors or omissions made in the original contribution or the version revised by the author. No manuscript will be returned unless appropriate postage is provided by the contributor.</p> <p></p> Eureka-Unilag Vol.6. June, 2021 2024-01-11T13:27:22+00:00 Akanbi Mudasiru Ilupeju <p>Eureka is a refereed Journal published annually by the Department <br>of European Languages and Integration Studies of the University of <br>Lagos, Nigeria.<br>Manuscripts for publication, exchange Journals and books for review <br>should be sent to the Editor or <br> Manuscripts for articles (but not rewiews) <br>should be submitted in two copies clearly typed on A4 paper on one <br>side only, double spaced, font 12, Times New Roman and not more <br>than 20 pages, with each page not containing more than 25 lines of <br>texts. The manuscripts style is that prescribed by MLA/APA. The <br>publiccation of contributions after favourable assessments and <br>corrections does not imply the Editor’s responsibility for the statement <br>of facts or opinions, or for the errors or omissions made in the original <br>contribution or the version revised by the author. No manuscript will <br>be returned unless appropriate postage is provided by the contributor.</p> 2024-01-04T15:16:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies HERITAGE POSTCOLONIAL EN AFRIQUE SUBSAHARIENNE A TRAVERS DECHIRURE D’ISMAÏL TALIBO 2024-01-11T13:27:22+00:00 Leo Iyanda BALOGUN <p><em>La colonisation des pays africains pour certaines personnes est un bienfait pour le continent. Pour d’autres, les pouvoirs occidentaux sont en Afrique pour bouleverser le bien-être de nos peuples et son art de pouvoir se gouverner de manière adéquate sur le plan social, économique et politique. Que ses hypothèses soient vérifiées ou pas, l’Afrique a surement hérité une chose ou une autre du colonisateur lors de sa conquête du continent. Aujourd’hui l’Afrique ne peut pas se vanter d’une culture purement africaine.&nbsp; On ressent ainsi une sorte de mélange de la culture occidentale à la culture africaine que nos sociétés embrassent de nos jours avec fierté. Cette hybridité culturelle fait partie de son héritage qui fait aujourd’hui une des préoccupations thématiques des auteurs africains post indépendants de la littérature. C’est en cette assertion que l’approche postcoloniale de la littérature se veut très importante pour l’analyse de l’héritage de la plupart des pays africains subsahariens après la colonisation et qui de nos jours freine le plein développement de l’Afrique. Après une analyse profonde du roman Déchirure d’Ismaïl Talibo, il s’avère que la plupart de tout ce que nous avons hérité de la colonisation est pour nous Africains une pierre d’achoppement au développement individuel et général.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-05T14:31:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies EXAMINING SENTENCE AS A TOOL FOR SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH LANGUAGES 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 T. A. Balogun G.S. IDOWU <p><em>In this paper, we are exclusively concerned with the part of grammar that deals with the structure of sentences. This is called syntax. Not only the grammatical units of language were explored but the division of selected sentences into constituents (units) was also analyzed. To achieve this feat, sentences were separated into words and finally, words were regrouped on the basis of relationship between them. This paper has gone further to explain how the (agent) or subject of a sentence is identified through grammatical units. The grammatical units were introduced on the hierarchical order [down-up]. The general syntactic framework we have adopted is inspired by the theories of language developed by Noam Chomsky. The choice of this study is based on the assumption that English and French are “closely related and well documented languages” (Tanja et all, 2010:110) and the two (duo) “constitute a minimal pair suitable for micro-comparison (Kayne, 2005). Most learners that were not always comfortable with the syntax and structure of the two languages would be familiar with their components and syntax of English and French languages armed with this work. </em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2024-01-05T14:43:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies LE TEMPS ET L'ASPECT VERBAUX: UNE ETUDE DU PASSÉ DU FRANÇAIS ET DE L’ẸDO 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 Eiloghosa ENOGIOMWAN <p>Le temps verbal et l’aspect constituent deux catégories fonctionnelles très importantes dans les langues humaines. La notion du temps verbal dépend du découpage particulier que fait chaque langue du temps réel. Toute langue a sa manière de représenter les temps verbaux et ces temps peuvent se manifester dans des formes différentes. De nombreuses études effectuées autrefois sur le temps et l’aspect ẹdo ont tenté de décrire la manifestation de ces catégories. Les résultats tendent à établir des similarités frappantes entre le temps et l’aspect dans la langue ẹdo, cette tendance&nbsp; rend assez difficile la distinction entre les deux. D’autre part, le français classifie ses temps verbaux selon les modes et chaque mode comporte un ou plusieurs temps verbaux. La distinction qui existe entre le temps verbal et l’aspect français est&nbsp; loin de constituer de la généralité, une question de la durée et de la datation plus ou moins précise d’état et d’événement exprimé par le verbe. La version modérée de la critique de l'analyse contrastive sur laquelle repose ce travail, affirme qu'il est plus facile d'apprendre une langue étrangère quand il y a une grande différence entre la langue maternelle de l'apprenant et la langue étrangère qu'il apprend. A l’aide d’une étude contrastive, nous comptons étudier les différences et les similarités entre le passé en français et en ẹdo. En faisant la comparaison systématique entre ces deux langues, nous avons constaté qu'il y existe plus de différences que de similarités. D'après ce constat, nous sommes de l’opinion que ce phénomène peut rendre plus facile l'apprentissage du français chez les apprenants ẹdo.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-01-05T14:55:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies НИГЕРИЙСКО АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ПИДЖИН :РАЗВИТИЯ, ОСОБЕННОСТИ И УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 John Olubunmi Faloju <p><em>Эта стать продолжение нашей последней работы над нигерийским пиджином. В&nbsp; данной статье анализируются вопросы истории, развития, использования нигерийского&nbsp; пиджина. Статья дальше исследуют&nbsp; особенности пиджинизации как социально-коммуникативной системы в избранном культурно-языковом ареале. Рассматриваются языковые факты, отражающие специфику феномена нигерийского пиджина и русской говорки. Актуальность &nbsp;темы определяется необходимостью описания&nbsp; явлений пиджинизации как фактов языковой вариативности, вызванных ситуацией многоязычия и взаимовлияния контактирующих языков в нигерийских и русских ареалах . </em></p> 2024-01-05T15:07:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies CORRUPTION AU SOMMET DE L’ÉTAT DANS QUAND ON REFUSE ON DIT NON D’AHMADOU KOUROUMA 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 Wabiy SALAWU <p><em>Si le roman africain francophone des ères des indépendances met l’accent sur la responsabilité des colonisateurs dans les mésaventures et la transformation des sociétés africaines, le nouveau roman africain de l’ère de la mondialisation attribue la responsabilité de la gestion désastreuse du patrimoine national aux leaders autochtones actuels, remplaçants des maîtres colonisateurs. Cet article a pour objectif de montrer, à travers Quand on refuse on dit non d’Ahmadou Kourouma, comment les nouveaux tenants du pouvoir font de la corruption, le principal fondement du fonctionnement de la société ivoirienne. Ce roman raconte comment les populations autochtones de cette Côte d’Ivoire romanesque sont devenues victimes des atrocités de la guerre, du népotisme, du vol et de la mauvaise gestion des ressources nationales par les dirigeants qui baignent dans une corruption chronique. Alors, cette étude critique repose sur la théorie de ‟L’Événement Interdiscursif” de Jürgen Link et Ursula Link-Heer, une métaphore forgée qui privilégie le système synchrone des symboles collectifs, permettant de dévoiler les contours multiformes des stratégies ou des méthodes multifacettes&nbsp; adoptées par les fossoyeurs de la république pour la transformation du patrimoine commun en bien personnel. </em><em>Il s’agit donc d’opérer une extraction naturelle ou contre nature au sein du texte pour y dégager, de façon claire, les contours multiformes de la manifestation d’une gestion scandaleuse transformant le patrimoine national en patrimoine personnel.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies METAPHORS IN STRUCTURING REALITIES IN SELECTED GERMAN SONGS 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 Deborah Ibukun ADEYEYE <p><em>Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) establishes metaphor as a pervasive conceptual tool for structuring and restructuring everyday reality through the process of cross-domain mapping in the conceptual system (Lakoff &amp; Johnson 2003: 245). This article studies how metaphors structure realities in selected German songs adopting the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) of Lakoff &amp; Johnson (1980) in cognitive linguistics. Accordingly, the study primarily identifies conceptual metaphors in the selected German song texts, categorizes them based on their cognitive functions, analyses them with regards to their underlying cognitive process of meaning constructions and finally evaluates the presence of conceptual metaphors in song titles with the primary objectives of revealing how single word metaphors expressed by verbs, nouns, adjectives and phraseologies structure realities. The results of the study show that conceptual metaphors are prevalent in German songs and that structural metaphors as against other categorisations of conceptual metaphor were the most predominant in the song texts. Furthermore, the results show that there exist more noun metaphors which amount to 60% of the data while verb metaphors constitute 32%. Finally, the study shows that song titles are helpful in giving a hint of the conceptual metaphors and concepts that are prevalent in the selected German songs.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies THE TRAUMA OF HUMAN DISPLACEMENT IN MARYSE CONDE’S TRAVERSÉE DE LA MANGROVE (CROSSING THE MANGROVE) 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 Anthony Kayode SALAU Victoria Adeola ADEFARASIN <p><em>Human displacement is the forced movement of people from their homes and native environment into a completely new abode and culture. It is an unforeseen relocation that is often provoked by slavery, colonialism, natural disasters, inter-ethnic war, epidemics and technological motive and which is largely characterised by psychological consequences. It is against the foregoing that this study investigates the causes of human displacement and the attendant trauma of the unscheduled voyage of unknown destination in Maryse Condé’s Traversée de la mangrove. This study adopts an aspect of Freud psychoanalytical theory: id, ego and superego in understanding the trauma caused by the manner in which people of lighter complexion treat and dehumanise the Negroes in Cond</em><em>é</em><em>’s Traversée de la mangrove. The methodology adopted in this article is content analysis which is a detailed and relatively objective examination of the structure, style, imagery and other aspects of a literary work. Several instances of human displacement, xenophobia, trauma, discrimination are discussed in the study. The paper concludes by noting that the trauma of human displacement is real given the psychological challenges faced by migrants in their new environment. The text also provokes interminable literary discourse because the end seems like the beginning of an unending literary puzzle. </em></p> 2024-01-08T16:00:03+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies CROSS CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING AND COMMUNICATION: THE SYNERGY AND COOPERATION BETWEEN BORDER COMMUNITIES 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 R. T. AKINYELE <p>This article explores the importance of cross-cultural understanding and communication in promoting inter-ethnic and cross-border co-operation, community development and in harmonizing government policies to support the process of African integration. The presentation is in three parts.&nbsp; The first deals with the explanation of the key concepts.&nbsp; The second part identifies the areas of possible cooperation and collaboration between and among border communities.&nbsp; The last part explains how shared or cross-cultural values and effective communication can be harnessed to promote understanding and cooperation between and among border communities. In concrete terms, the paper recommends the establishment of cross-border dialogue frameworks to widen the interpersonal channels crucial for forming or changing attitudes towards new ideas and the setting up of community radio and television stations in selected borderlands to create awareness of government policies and actions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-08T16:03:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies REFORMING THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CURRICULUM FOR A GLOBAL WORLD 2024-01-11T13:27:23+00:00 Philip Ojo <p><em>Globalization </em><em>and the digital revolution present opportunities and challenges that demand a new kind of university graduates.&nbsp; These contemporary realities call for more robust, relevant and articulated learning that can prepare citizens to live, compete, collaborate, and succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.&nbsp; Beyond the traditional linguistic and literary focus, this paper examines curricular and pedagogical innovations, as well as technology tools that can transform university foreign language education, and thereby help prepare students for success in today’s global workplace.In lieu of the standard configuration of university foreign language programmes, in which lower-division language courses feed into upper-division literature courses, the paper proposes a</em> <em>unified, coherent language-and-content curriculum that situates language study in cultural, historical, geographical, and cross-cultural frames.&nbsp; This model systematically incorporates transcultural content and translingual reflection at every level; it provides students the means to understand geo-political, economic, and technological issues related to globalization; and ultimately enhances their cultural awareness as well as their translingual and transcultural competence.&nbsp; It also takes advantage of the amazing advances in information and communication technologies, which expand learning opportunities, engage learners’ interest and interaction, create new learning scenarios, and improve instruction. </em><em>This curricular transformation will provide opportunities for creativity and innovation in foreign language study. It will also create opportunities for cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborations between foreign language and literature faculty and faculty in other disciplines by combining the study of language and literature with non-literary material. These transformations will not only strengthen the foreign language departments and the entire university curriculum, but they will also improve the quality of professional and intellectual life.&nbsp; </em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-01-08T16:07:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUREKA - Unilag, A Journal of Humanistic Studies